Dairysafe’s 2020 Workshop Series was put on hold due to COVID-19. Pleasingly, we were able to provide a Shelf-Life Validation Webinar in May, which is available for viewing on the Dairysafe website under the ‘Training’ heading here.

Other notable offerings planned for the second half of 2020 include:

Pasteuriser Operator Training

This is essential training for any operator of a batch or continuous pasteuriser. The training is currently being negotiated as an online option and will come with a complete training manual.

It’s anticipated the training will cover all aspects of the recognised skill set, which may then enable a manufacturer to arrange an RTO to sign off the practical component onsite.

There will be a cost for undertaking this training, which will hopefully become available in November 2020.

Labelling, Identification and Traceability Workshop 2

The second webinar on labelling identification and traceability is scheduled for August. Traceability is important for food safety as well as operational efficiency – it’s all about connecting the dots.

Traceability covers the functions that trace the flow of foods throughout the production, processing, and distribution stages, and is underpinned by labelling and identification.

In any recall situation you need to quickly locate your product within the supply chain. Traceability is essential because it is necessary in maintaining food safety – you need sound, integrated systems in place to ensure effective controls, both in day-to-day operations but also in the case where you need to track a product that may be subject to contamination or other safety issue.

Early Milk Collection Index Training

Early Milk Collection Index training will be provided by the University of Tasmania in October. This training will cover the use of the ECMI model developed by UTAS as a food safety decision-support tool for early collection of milk.

This training is critical for all businesses collecting farm milk in order to understand whether a pick-up can occur when the milk exceeds the minimum temperature of 5°C.

We will email businesses directly advising of the availability of each course.