
Transporters Accreditation

Transporters of raw milk products are required to be accredited with Dairysafe. Transporters of manufactured or packaged dairy products do not need to be accredited.

Dairy Transport Businesses are required to have in place food safety programs which comply with Standard 4.2.4 of the Food Standards Code. Transport operators should ensure that their drivers have a good understanding of the importance of hygiene and temperature control, and ensure that no non-milk products are able to contaminate tankers.

Where a small dairy processor collects milk from its own dairy farm or from other accredited dairy farmers, a food safety program is required for their accreditation as a dairy transport business.

Dairysafe Accreditation Handbook


Transporters Fees

The schedule of fees for accreditation is attached, and provides details of the annual accreditation fee and the annual fee per milk tanker.

For new applications, an initial one-off fee of $100 is payable on application.

For all transporters, an additional fee of $250 per hour will apply in the event an audit requires additional work necessitating follow-up visits.


Transporters Auditing

Dairysafe audits dairy transport businesses against the Food Standards Code in a similar manner to Farmers and Processors.

Where a small dairy processor collects milk from its own sources and has its own transport accreditation, this aspect of their business is audited at the same time as their dairy processor or dairy farm audit.

What to do if there is a problem

If there is a suspected problem with a particular milk truck then that truck should be stopped until the problem can be identified, the source of the problem identified and the appropriate course of action determined. Any action to try and minimise the spread of bacteria between farms and facilities should be taken. Always call Dairysafe immediately on (08) 8223 2277 as well as the company you are collecting for so the issue can be contained and dealt with quickly.