The second Dairysafe processor forum was held on 27 May with 20 dairy processors attending.
Processor forums provide the industry with an opportunity to network and gain benefit from discussion on general and specific food safety and quality issues.
The May forum focussed on generating awareness about training options, opportunities and developments for industry.
Representatives from three Registered Training Organisations were invited to attend and present to the forum:
- David Healey, Australian Food Training Centre
- Stephan Knoll, Independent Institute of Food Processing
- Gina Dal Santo, Regency TAFE and the Artisan Cheese Making Academy
Each RTO was asked to present on the training options available for dairy processors, the opportunities their organisation can provide and other areas where their organisation can offer value to dairy processors.
The material presented by the RTO’s covered:
- Developing a training model and accredited qualification that meets business needs into the future;
- Implementing micro-credentialling that could form the basis of a qualification over time;
- Delivery of Certificate III in Food Processing with dairy specific training options;
- Delivery of flexible work-based training; and
- Options that include recognised prior learning.
The next forum will provide an opportunity for processors to consider the occurrence of E.coli in processing and is scheduled for Friday 23 September 2022. Invitations have been sent to all processors.