Dairysafe is thrilled to launch 12 new learning modules for dairy processors covering the notifiable contaminants, E. coli, Listeria, and Staphylococcus aureus, providing effective strategies for managing these contaminants that pose significant risks to your business.

The training modules were developed with invaluable input from the dairy industry and a generous grant from the South Australian Government.

Notifiable contaminants often result from breakdowns in production due to inadequate skills and knowledge, poor process control, and non-compliance with good manufacturing and hygienic practices. Our learning modules are designed to address these gaps, offering a flexible and free solution to enhance the knowledge, awareness and expertise of staff.

The modules are easy to follow, featuring short videos with clear narration and interesting, practical content to keep people engaged. The modules are supported by a background document, with written notes for people who want more detail.

Each module concludes with a set of five questions to assess understanding. Participants must complete these questions before progressing to the next module. And, upon completing each set of modules, participants receive a certificate.

The training is delivered online, allowing participants to start, pause and resume as needed. The target audience for the training modules is dairy processing owners, supervisors, QA managers and staff.

“Ensuring the safety and quality of dairy products is crucial, and managing notifiable contaminants is a key aspect of this goal. Notifiable contaminants include any substances or microorganisms that could potentially harm human health and must be reported to food authorities by law,” said Geoff Raven, CEO of Dairysafe.

“This comprehensive program of 12 modules covers known information about the contaminants, control measures, monitoring, testing, and risk assessment throughout the dairy supply chain.

“The modules address key hazards and current trends in process control breakdowns that can lead to the presence of notifiable contaminants, resulting in substantial wastage, costly recalls, and potential brand damage.

“Importantly, they provide a solution to the legislative requirement for employees to maintain the necessary skills and knowledge for their food safety responsibilities.”

Geoff said the modules partly address the significant gap in dairy processing training and have the potential to greatly improve food safety outcomes, which can lead to positive business results and enhance the reputation of SA’s premium dairy brand.

“Additionally, the learning modules serve as an ongoing resource for businesses, assisting with induction and refresher training, and supporting new training options developed for the sector. They have the potential to be used in allied skill sets and recognised qualifications, ensuring they remain a valuable resource for dairy businesses,” Geoff said.

The learning modules have been tested by an industry reference group. Feedback has been very positive, including:

All up, these were easy viewing and very simple to understand. The additional graphics helped with explanation, and I found the quiz was relevant to each video and did make me stop and think about what I’d just watched.”

I am so pleased to see how well these have turned out.”

Good visual content, love the manufacturing visuals.”

I would be happy to put our senior staff, QC and QA personal through the training.”

Really enjoyed the training, great content, the narration, and video lengths were spot on, and the accumulative assessment style made it easy to follow and retain information.”

Congratulations to you and the team – and will definitely be including in our site training schedule.”

To access the courses, click the link and follow the steps to set up an account: https://training.dairy-safe.com.au/login