Dairysafe moved office from 33 Hutt Street to the Waite Precinct on 30 September 2019. “After 57 years at Hutt Street in the various incarnations of Dairysafe, it was time to find a new home,” said CEO Geoff Raven.

“The Hutt Street building exceeded operational needs by about 300%. And it had long outgrown its specific usefulness, much of the floor space was redundant to needs, there were growing maintenance costs, and there was also the issue of managing excess property assets and tenancies, which is not our core business. The move made good sense.”

Updated contact details for Dairysafe and staff are:

Head office
CSIRO Building 1, Entry 4, Waite Road, Urrbrae
PO Box 140, Glen Osmond SA 5064
Phone: (08) 8223 2277
Email: admin@dairy-safe.com.au
Website: www.dairy-safe.com.au

Please note, Dairysafe is no longer contactable by fax.

Craig Heard – Food Standards and Accreditation Officer
Functions: reviews applications for accreditation; conducts compliance audits, inspections, investigations and verification reviews; incident response; undertakes data analysis; actions that achieve compliance and a positive food safety culture.
Mobile: 0439 492 291

Fiona Little – Food Safety Officer
Functions: reviews applications for accreditation; conducts compliance audits, inspections, investigations and verification reviews; actions that achieve compliance and a positive food safety culture.
Mobile: 0438 840 574

Rocco Galluccio – Accountant
Phone: (08) 8223 2277

Geoff Raven – Chief Executive Officer
Mobile: 0401 121 917

The Dairysafe team: Fiona Little, Geoff Raven, Craig Heard and Rocco Galluccio.