Dairysafe has developed a new Business Continuity Model for dairy processors that can help to safeguard your business.

All dairy manufacturers in South Australia are encouraged to use the tool to self-assess their exposure to business continuity breakdown and to take action to reduce risk and enhance resilience. You can access the tool here.

“The Business Continuity Model will assist in delivering resilient businesses, consistent food safety outcomes and assurance in managing crises – and contribute to the sustained growth of the South Australian dairy industry,” said Dairysafe CEO Geoff Raven.

Feedback from processors who have already used the tool indicates it pushes businesses into action.

“The tool was easy and quick to use and at the end we received some good recommendations that we can take on board to improve the business,” said Tina Filippidis, QA Manager, Fleurieu Milk Company. “Some of the recommendations I had on my mind, but this has pushed me to action them. We have a monthly production and management meeting and we’ve added the Business Continuity tool recommendations to the list to discuss.”

Shakibeh Zadeh, Chief Operations Officer, MOO Premium Foods, said the tool will help businesses to take the first step with business continuity planning.

“Beginning the process of evaluation is the hardest step. This will get businesses started,” Shakibeh said. “This is a very helpful self-checking tool that enables business resilience systems to be reviewed honestly in-house. It’s easy to follow and understand, and the recommendations provided are realistic and achievable.”

The tool allows a business to quickly test their preparedness for business disruption through a 15-minute self-assessment. It identifies options for them to reduce exposure to business continuity breakdown. The tool is in the form of a free online app that:

  • Provides a log-in to enable a business to store results;
  • Updates and compare previous results;
  • Generates an email reminder inviting the business to review progress after 12 months, supporting the user to transform opportunities into actions; and
  • Delivers a date-stamped report and optional action plan that enables the business to:
    • understand their exposure to business disruption
    • focus resources where they can best support business resilience
    • identify opportunities, assign action, responsibility and completion date to deliver outcomes.

The tool was developed with the assistance of funds provided by the Department of Primary Industries and Regions.