Dairy processors will soon be able to nominate for the 2022 Dairysafe Food Safety Culture Award, to be presented at the 2022 SA Dairy Awards later this year.

“2022 will be the second year of this important award, with 2021 being the first time an award has been presented in Australia recognising food safety culture,” said Dairysafe CEO Geoff Raven.

Food safety standards are a moral and legal obligation for all food businesses, and the public has an expectation they will be provided with safe food each and every time.

Food safety culture is much more than moral and legal obligations.

In a business, Food Safety Culture involves taking extra steps to prioritise food safety throughout the entire organisation, through training and development, in the vision promoted by the business, the attitude within the business demonstrated by staff values, policies, rules and procedures and, most importantly, communication throughout the company.

“Food safety culture is in place and effective when a business integrates food safety into everything they do,” Geoff said.

In 2022 the Award will focus on dairy businesses that demonstrate development in their food safety culture journey. “We’re particularly looking for the business with the most improved food safety culture maturity,” Geoff said.

The Award will again feature an education, training and development grant to be used by the business.

Details of the nomination process for the 2022 Dairysafe Food Safety Culture Award will be provided to every dairy processor later this month.