On 25 February, the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code was amended to introduce new requirements for the labelling of allergens in food. These requirements include that allergen information is to be declared:

  • In a specific format and location on food labels; and
  • Using simple, plain English terms in bold font.

Food Standards Australia New Zealand say the changes will help people find allergen information on food labels more quickly and easily, so they can make informed and safe food choices.

Businesses have three years from 25 February 2021 to implement the new requirements. During this transition period, food businesses can comply with either the existing allergen declaration requirements in the Code, or the new requirements.

A two year stock-in-trade period will follow the transition period. Any food packaged and labelled with existing allergen declarations before the end of the transition period may be sold for up to two years after the end of the transition period.  

For more information visit: https://www.foodstandards.gov.au/code/proposals/Pages/P1044PlainEnglishAllergenLabelling.aspx