Dairysafe completed 266 audits of dairy farms, transporters and dairy manufacturers in 2019 and we’re pleased to report that non-conformance rates reduced significantly last year.

In the following article we share what we’ve picked up from recent audits that all famers and processors need to know about.

All major non-conformances raised during 2019 audits were corrected within the specified 30 day period. Note: there is a maximum 30 day close-out period for major non-conformances.

Non-conformance rates reduced significantly in 2019 compared with 2018. Respective non-conformance rates per audit for 2018 versus 2019 were:

  • Minor non-conformances – 4.38 per audit (2018) compared to 1.84 (2019);
  • Major non-conformances – 1.08 per audit (2018) compared to 0.14 (2019); and
  • Critical non-conformances – none recorded in 2018 or 2019.

In terms of non-compliance trends, the key non-compliance areas per industry sector included:

  • Dairy Farm – cleanliness of premises; calibration of thermometers; feed vendor declarations; milk cooling rate; milking machine testing; record of chemical spray withholding period; wash-up procedure for milking machine/storage.
  • Dairy Processor – mock recall; finished product test plan; listeria monitoring.
  • Dairy Transport – verification of tanker load testing; maintenance records; temperature records.

If you could like to know more about audit trends, phone the Dairysafe office on (08) 8223 2277.